City Clerk

Meet the City Clerk
Kelli Arnold
Phone: 231.689.1194
Kelli has an education in Business Administration from Baker College, earned her Michigan Professional Municipal Clerk Certification (MiPMC) in 2023 and has over 20 years in the Private and Public sector in White Cloud. Kelli is committed to the City because she has a personal investment in the 49349-zip code. She has lived here for 30+ years with her husband Mike. Both of their boys, Cameron and Kevin attended WC Public Schools from kindergarten through graduation.
Kelli’s job at the City consists of coordinating rental property registrations and Rental Inspections, Cemetery Records, Election Administrator for all City elections, FOIA Coordinator, Record keeper, Payroll, Facilitator of City Council, Parks and Recreation Committee, Cemetery Committee, Zoning Board of Appeals and the Marihuana License Board. She is also a state-certified Notary. Along with that, she shares the responsibility for accounts payable and receivable, processing tax and water payments, and issuing public notices.
Kelli is proud of the team of employees she works with at the city and values being a member of the City team.
Our goal at the City Office is to be responsive and a resource for all City residents.
Election Information
Michigan Voting Dashboard-check for your voting information
2024 Election Dates:
November 5th: General Election Results