Welcome to the City of White Cloud

Dear White Cloud City Resident,

Welcome to White Cloud. Thank you for choosing to live in this community. We look forward to meeting you at one of the many activities and events that happen here throughout the year. For more information on activities and events please visit our Chamber of Commerce website, www.rivercountrychamber.com. This informational packet is provided to help make your move a little bit easier as you get adjusted to the new area. Below you will find our important phone numbers, general information, available services, and frequently asked questions we hope will be beneficial to you.

As you settle into the White Cloud community, please do not hesitate to call us at the city office at 231.689.1194 with any questions you may have. You can also access our city’s website at www.cityofwhitedoud.org & “like” our Facebook page called “City of White Cloud.” As you explore your new community, meet your new neighbors and enjoy everything this lovely town has to offer, we hope you’ll be proud to call White Cloud home.

The City of White Cloud

White Cloud City Directory

12 N Charles/ PO Box 607
White Cloud, Ml 49412
Ph: 231.689.1194
Fax: 231.689.2001
Web:  www.cityofwhitecloud.org

City Mayor: Brian J. Miller 

City Manager: April Storms

Zoning Admin: TBD

Clerk: Kelli Arnold

Treasurer: April Storms

Deputy Treasurer: Makayla Brandt

DPW Supervisor: Don Barnhard

Police Chief: Jon Patterson
The White Cloud Police Department is located within our City office at 

12 N. Charles
White Cloud, Ml 49412

231.689.1696 or

*In cases of emergency always dial 911

White Cloud Public Schools strives to meet the needs of a diverse population, focusing on high expectations for student achievement. We believe there is a strong need for basic foundation skills as well as high order thinking skills-both found in our district’s standards-based curriculum. We encourage education innovation, accountability, and teamwork to accomplish our goats to prepare students for the future.

To receive further information about White Cloud Public Schools, refer to the following information, www.whitecloud.net or contact them using the information below.

White Cloud Public School District
555 E. Wilcox Ave. PO Box 1000
White Cloud, Ml 49349

Phone: 231.689.6591
Fax: 231.689.3210

White Cloud Elementary (K-5) 231.689.2300

White Cloud Junior/High School 231.689.1705 

Consumers Energy

Great lakes Energy

DTE Energy

Republic {formerly A-Waste)

Sam’s Disposal

City of White Cloud

White Cloud Sherman Utilities

60 W. Baseline, White Cloud  MI  49349




NCATS (internet)

Mercury Broadband

Department of Public Works, The DPW oversees clearing the city streets and public parks. Keep in mind that the large hills and major streets will always be the first cleared before minor streets, or parks.

DPW Supervisor: Don Barnhard

The Newaygo County Road Commission oversees clearing snow from the major highways/roads running through White Cloud, including M-37.

Spectrum Health Gerber Memorial 
212 S. Sullivan St.
Fremont, Ml 49412

Fremont Walk-In Clinic
204 W. Main Street
Fremont, Ml 49412
Mon. – Fri. 8am – 8pm
Sat. 8am – 2pm
Sun. closed

Newaygo Urgent Care
17 E. Pine lake Drive Newaygo, Ml 49337 
Mon. – Fri. 8am – 8pm

– If you would like to reserve a park for an event, you can find the application on our website or at City Hall.

– A permit must be acquired before any changes or additions to the footprint and/or the general exterior.

– A permit must be obtained before construction or installation of a new accessory building.

– A permit must be obtained before the construction of any fence.

– For more information on zoning ordinances, contact or our Zoning Administrator, zoning@cityofwhitecloud.org